Smoke is lethal

Vesda Systems

Having good smoke detection increases the fire survivability rate by nearly 50 percent.
Nearly one-half of fire fatalities occur in the six percent of properties with no smoke alarms.


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Air is drawn into the Vesda Control unit by a high efficiency aspirator. Each inlet pipe has an airflow monitor that monitors airflow changes in the pipe. Air is exhausted from the Vesda control unit and may be vented back into the protected zone.

A sample of air is passed into the laser detection chamber via a dual stage air filter. The first filtration stage removes dust and dirt from the air sample before entering the laser detection chamber for analysis.

The second stage provides ultra fine air filtration to provide very clean air that is used to protect the optical surfaces inside the detector from contamination.

The detection unit uses a Class 1 Laser light source and carefully positioned sensors to achieve the optimum response to a vast range of smoke types. The status of the alarm is passed to displays and a series of control equipment interfacing with other systems.

The options are considerable. But thankfully the solutions are much easier.

Security House

72 High Street
Lees, Oldham (UK)

CIA 2000 - Integrated Fire and Security Solutions