A wealth of experience in both installation and maintenance

Nurse & Warden Call Systems

To improve the safety of your employees, help prevent loss of stock and protect essential company data you should consider an Access control security system.

As the medical profession and technologies improve with time so do we. On our shelves you will find the most innovative equipment available.

Our systems have many optional features:

  • Door Monitoring points
  • Paging call interface
  • Pneumatic pads (for residents who have difficulties with buttons)
  • Datalogging to enable auditing of staff response times
  • Various infrared Devices.

Nurse Call Systems

Nurse Call systems are primarily used in Nursing Homes whereby once a pear push pull cord is operated an over door light in the room illuminates to alert local staff whilst a numbered room light is illuminated on the main panel in the Nurses Office. Additionally on larger systems annunciation can be via mobile paging units and remote annunciators.

Warden Call Systems

Stand Alone Warden Call systems are installed either locally by use of a stand alone unit connected to a standard telephone line in a Central Station who will arrange medical assistance.

Multi Room

On larger installations many rooms are controlled by the use of a Master Control Unit with local help from on site Staff. A simple 2 way communications unit is installed within the flat to facilitate 2 way speech control from the Wardens Office.

Additionally on larger systems annunciation can be via mobile paging units and remote annunciators When the Warden leaves the system uses an off site switch which then allows a remote Central Station to assume the commands of the Warden.

Central Station are also able to release the front door for use by Nurses or Doctors where required.

Wire Free Systems

Wire free systems are available which reduce the cost of redecoration and disruption in a normally very difficult environment to run cables.

Door Monitoring

Door monitoring alerts staff if an internal or external door is opened.

Bed Sensors

Bed Sensors alert staff if the bed is vacated immediately or after a pre determined period of time.

Security House

72 High Street
Lees, Oldham (UK)

CIA 2000 - Integrated Fire and Security Solutions