Professionally prepared fire risk assessments

Fire Risk Assessment

CIA 2000 provide professionally prepared fire risk assessments and although we can provide this sort of service for anyone it is certainly recommended for larger or higher risk premises.
For example your premises may be spread over different levels with large numbers of people to evacuate quickly to safety. If this is the case then it is recommended that a professionally qualified person under take this task on your behalf. CIA 2000 Ltd can provide this service at very competitive prices. For more information either call us on 0161 624 8500 or contact us through our website here.
You can also prepare your own basic fire risk assessment if you follow some simple rules...
For small or medium sized businesses there is no reason as to why the ‘responsible person’ cannot prepare their own basic fire risk assessment. Below is a list of important points you will need to cover when preparing a fire risk assessment. (Please note for larger or higher risk premises a professionally prepared fire risk assessment will be required).

Fire Protection

Are there sufficient Fire Extinguishers and Blankets on site, are they working and maintained regularly.

Are there ways of compartmentalising buildings to stop the spread of Fire throughout the building, think Fire Doors etc.

Fire Protection

Are there sufficient Fire Extinguishers and Blankets on site, are they working and maintained regularly.

Are there ways of compartmentalising buildings to stop the spread of Fire throughout the building, think Fire Doors etc.

Fire Hazards

Control combustibles and inflammable materials and ensure safe storage within the work place.

Check wiring and electrical appliances regularly for safety. Are correct fuses used etc.

Clear rubbish and combustible materials from the site.

Allow smoking in designated areas only.

Fire exits

Are there a sufficient number of fire exits and do they lead to places of safety? Are they unlocked? Escape Routes must be kept clear, and free of obstructions.

The building must be properly maintained so that stairways and passageways are safe.

Signage indicating Fire Exits and Escape Routes.

Emergency Lighting for escape routes and exits, install and check regularly.

Evacuation and Planning

Evacuation plans to be made and drills rehearsed regularly

Fire Wardens to be trained.

Insurers to be consulted for their advice and requirements.

Have you prepared an emergency plan and communicated it to all staff?

Fire Detection

Do you need an Automatic Fire Detection and Fire Alarm system? It must be maintained and tested regularly.

When making changes to the building, ensure that the Fire Alarm or escape routes or exits are not compromised.

Is the Fire Alarm connected to an Alarm Receiving Centre for calling out the Brigade automatically (recommended).

Security House

72 High Street
Lees, Oldham (UK)

CIA 2000 - Integrated Fire and Security Solutions